Design the future Are you interested in innovation, digital strategy and digital design? Are you a team player? Do you have an analytical mind and an open attitude? Are you excited about new technologies and how to use them to make impact? Then the Design the Future international Stone is for you. It is a minor programme […]

The future is There will always be a future. But what will that future be like, and how can you do research into it? And above all, why is it so important? How can your insights on the current zeitgeist turn into inspiration for a specific future? You will learn how to scan and analyse but also […]

Innovative media concepts In the Research & Testing course you will be taught how to do desk and field research how to conduct proper target-group research. This will include user testing and UX. In the Strategy & Concepting course you will work from the briefing stage towards an idea and concept through rounds of concepting, prototyping and […]

Storyhackers Hack the story, change the world Humanity as a whole has never had it as good as we have it now, yet the gap between those who have and those who do not grows wider every day. This contradiction presents us with a huge dilemma: the source of our progress has become the source […]