Storyhackers Hack the story, change the world Humanity as a whole has never had it as good as we have it now, yet the gap between those who have and those who do not grows wider every day. This contradiction presents us with a huge dilemma: the source of our progress has become the source […]

Stories for change

In the current post-truth era, put a social issue on the agenda for a non-commercial client (journalism, government, NGO) via qualitative information (thorough research), producing a viable and marketable media or communication product (consisting of two complementary expressions) that offers room for a nuanced position (text, audio, video) to create more awareness about this issue […]

Media makers in a platform society This second-year CB Stone explores in depth the theory and business practice of the platforms we use every day, from Instagram to Uber and from TikTok to Tinder. How does these influence young adults? What happens to the data they leave on these platforms? How do the actions, practices and policies of platforms have […]