Labs (english)

The Benno Premselahuis has different radio and tv facilities. You can book one of these rooms via Reflex Online.

On this page:


This studio has a table in the middle, so is suitable for talk shows.


This studio has a news desk and a green screen. With a green screen you can project different kinds of backgrounds. Suitable for informative broadcasts such as news, entertainment or knowledge shows.


The immersive lab is a blank square space that uses projectors to create immersive worlds.

Photoshop template

After Effects template


We have a total of three audiolabs: audiolab 1 on the ground floor, audiolabs 2 and 3 in the basement. They all have the same radio playout software (Omniplayer) and Adobe Audition/Audacity pre-installed to record. Audiolab 1 and 2 have the same mixers and a video switch system (Vmix) to record your show/podcast with video. Audiolab 3 has a touch mixer and is relatively smaller. All audiolabs are suitable for (live) radio and/or podcasting.

Instruction videos

These videos are in Dutch, but have English subtitles. Please turn them on in settings.



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